On the go? A two-in-one reusable water bottle and coffee cup.
“For me, the measure of any great company is the people. I have genuinely loved working everyone. Yes, you're at the cutting edge of design and innovation, you deliver great solutions, which marry both beauty and function… but you’re also a lovely bunch!”

The founders of Bottlecup found that approximately 2.5 billion disposable coffee cups are used and then thrown away each year in the UK, with only one in 400 of those being recycled.
Recognising that reusable-cup owners often forget to carry their vessel with them, Bottlecup looked for a way to unite a vacuum-insulated bottle with a lidded cup that can be used for takeaway drinks.
We helped Bottlecup in creating a single item which could replace both disposable water bottles and coffee cups.
We identified that existing reusable bottles or flasks on the market either didn't provide a cup lid or didn't allow the bottle and cup to be used independently of one another.
The solution? A stainless-steel water bottle which slots inside the cup and twists to lock it in place when carrying both items. The two elements feature a gently curved silhouette which improves their ergonomic properties.
The cup can be released with a simple twist and used on its own, or with the silicone lid which is stored in its base, so users don't need to carry it separately when drinking beverages such as smoothies, beer or soups.
The team innovated to combine a reusable water bottle and reusable cup and cup lid into one seamless item, where both items functioned to their fullest independently of each other, without compromise.
The silicone waist provides a tactile surface for holding the product, which makes twisting the cup on and off easier. The coloured band also prevents liquid from leaking into the user's bag when the two elements are united.
Sustainability and circular design were key concerns throughout the project, leading to the creation of a product which uses no mixed materials, meaning all component parts can be easily recycled.
Bottlecup features on the shortlist for the product design(consumer design and wearables) category at Dezeen Awards 2023.
Product Design