MAY 2023

Swatch #08 dust

How will geopolitical conflicts and more frequent natural disasters impact the future of materiality?

The Swatch #08 examines the concept of dust as a metaphor for resilience and renewal, as its meaning shifts from being a waste material to a valuable resource in a world facing conflict and scarcity.
The phrase “From Dust to Dust" symbolises the cyclical nature of things, where endings bring new beginnings and destruction leads to renewal. Karma Dabaghi's hand-blown vases, made from collected and recycled glass from the Beirut Port blast aftermath, not only serve a practical purpose, but also embody hope and resilience in the face of adversity.  

Dust is constantly created, dispersed, and reformed. As resource scarcity becomes an increasingly pressing issue, it's crucial to find innovative ways to utilise the potential of dust as a valuable resource.

A prime example of this is StoneCycling®, a Dutch company which leverages biotechnology to convert construction waste into a new building material using limestone produced by bacteria. The BioBasedTiles installation at Helix Lab in Kalundborg, Denmark, is the largest so far: saving 2,865kg of CO2 and upcycling 19,000kg of dust and debris from demolished buildings.

Seymourpowell's CMF Strategy team leverages creativity and innovation to transform overlooked resources into valuable products, supporting innovators by making material solutions accessible.

Through the circular accelerator and other sustainability tools, we are dedicated to promoting a circular economy which minimises waste and optimizes resource utilisation.How will geopolitical conflicts and more frequent natural disasters impact the future of materiality?