Cutting through the complexities of spinal surgery to reinvent the future of healthcare.
A brand identity which inspires confidence in its consumers through balancing rigorous precision with patient empathy.

To democratise patient-specific surgery and create a holistic, spinal-implant system which radically improves ALIF surgery for all involved: surgeons, patients, sales representatives and hospital staff. To devise a challenger brand identity and position Axis Spine Technologies as a dynamically innovative start up within a fiercely competitive US market.
Following ethnographic research and many hours of in-theatre observation with world-class surgeons, it became clear that the implant was just a small piece of the puzzle. We had to reimagine every part of the process to deliver an exceptional solution, tailored to surgeons and patients alike.
We conceived an elegant and highly-differentiated modular ALIF cage, allowing surgeons to assemble a bespoke implant for every individual case. The structure of the cage, paired with a reduced inventory, helps surgeons to specify cage footprint, height, lordotic and coronal angles to ensure a perfect fit, even if opinions change during surgery. Our brand identity derived much of its language from this product truth and we created a visual language which celebrates the strength and fluidity of the human body, enabled by this revolutionary system.
Axis Spine
Design Ethnography
Product Design
Manufacturing Consultancy
Brand Positioning
Brand Identity
Brand & Product Experience
Cutting through the complexities of spinal surgery to reinvent the future of healthcare.